Nina Jan (1986) is a multimedia artist, producer, researcher, curator and Master of Film alumna (Netherlands Film Academy, AHK), based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Between 2019 and 2022 she also worked as a researcher, project manager and manager of a digital archive at the Master of Film program, Netherlands Film Academy.
For the past 10 years Nina’s work has focused on three main topics – authorship, conditions of work and living and value of art – that can be followed through all of her past practice. Most of Nina’s projects are from the start based on more than one artistic media (for example, an internet project, but also a film and an exhibition), they are not what they seem at first glance and they are set on a thin line between reality and fiction or absurdity and making sense. All Nina’s work shows great respect for its audience, guiding the spectators gently through various serious socio-political issues with hints of humor and an abundance of playfulness.
More about her artistic vision can be read here.
Her work has been shown in the Netherlands and abroad in venues and festivals such as:
Eye Film Institute, de Appel Art Centre, Frascati, de Slang (Amsterdam), Plantage Doklaan (Amsterdam), de Punt (Amsterdam), Nederlandse Filmacademie, International Performance Festival Mladi Levi (Slovenia), Cinedans (Amsterdam), Dance Theatre of Ljubljana (Slovenia), CUK Kino Šiška (Slovenia), HAU (Berlin), CBK ’s-Hertogenbosch, Theater DE NWE Vorst Tilburg, Le Maga (Brussels), Filodrammatica (Croatia), Drugo More (Croatia), Muelle3 (Spain), L’Estruch Fàbrica de Creació (Spain).
She is also a co-founder of KUD NUM artistic collective (Slovenia), producer for collected.individual. (Amsterdam) and managing director of Stichting WalkAlong (Amsterdam).